Welcome to the fifth edition of Capacity Connection, the monthly e-Newsletter from the Effi Barry Training Institute (EBTI). This platform provides updates on training opportunities through EBTI and offers valuable information for the HIV prevention community in and around Washington, DC.

Each issue of Capacity Connection features local events, key webinars, podcasts, and resources to help build your organization’s capacity. Additionally, we shine a spotlight on the impactful work and diverse perspectives of your colleagues throughout the District.

We welcome your feedback as we continue to grow and refine Capacity Connection into a meaningful resource for the community.

In this issue:

  • Webinars and Podcasts
  • On-Demand Trainings and Resources
  • Community and Conversations
  • The Institute's Featured Black Faculty, in Honor of Black History Month
  • Capacity Building and Technical Assistance

Webinars and Podcasts

Webinar Supporting Healthcare Access for BIPOC Communities

The Provider Perspective:
Prioritizing the Uptake and Engagement of PrEP in BIPOC Communities

This session provides participants with an overview on primary PrEP care and the challenges providers can face with access, adherence, and retention in Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) communities. Faculty review the importance of increasing PrEP utilization among BIPOC communities and participants will learn about PrEP formulations and guidelines, patient and provider concerns regarding PrEP use, and barriers and opportunities to engage and retain BIPOC communities in PrEP uptake.

Dr. Tyris Ford, DNP, NP-C, FNP-BC, AAHIVS


"Rooted in Wellness" is a podcast series from the Effi Barry Training Institute that is dedicated to exploring holistic approaches to health and well-being. Join us as we delve into topics such as trauma, HIV, mental wellness, and the social determinants of health, all with the goal of helping you cultivate a balanced and thriving life. Tune in to "Rooted in Wellness" and embark on a journey of personal growth.

This episode examines the profound impact that trauma has on health outcomes across diverse populations. Listeners will explore the connection between trauma and health disparities, learning to identify common indicators of trauma and understanding how these indicators contribute to unequal health outcomes. The episode will also equip listeners with the knowledge and tools to address and mitigate the effects of trauma in their communities and professional practices.

  • Co-Host: Leisha McKinley-Beach, M.S.
  • Guest Speaker: Ashley Elliott, Psy.D.

This episode delves into the unique experiences of Black, Queer, and other communities of color in the context of HIV prevention, emphasizing the complex intersections of societal norms, cultural boundaries, and identity. 

  • Host: Leo Sheridan
  • Guest Speakers: Kaniya Walker, Brandon Harrison

On-Demand Trainings and Resources

E-Learning Module Supporting Healthcare Access For Black Women and Girls

Breaking Barriers:
HIV Awareness, Prevention, and Advocacy for Black Women and Girls

Despite notable advancements in HIV prevention and treatment, Black women and girls continue to experience disproportionately high rates of HIV/AIDS, driven by distinct social, political, and structural factors that increase their vulnerability. This on-demand activity will explore these complex determinants and highlight effective strategies for raising HIV awareness, improving screening, and enhancing prevention efforts within Black communities. Participants will examine the crucial roles of healthcare providers, community leaders, and advocates in supporting HIV prevention tailored to the specific needs of Black women and girls. Additionally, they will gain the knowledge and tools needed to advocate for and implement equitable HIV prevention programs, contributing to a more inclusive and effective public health response.

1.0 CEU (AAPA, ACPE, CNE, IPCE, ASWB, APA, CEP) is available upon completion of this module.


Brenice Duroseau, MSN, FNP-C, RNC-OB, AAHIVS, PhD Candidate, Infectious Diseases & Addiction Medicine Nurse Practitioner, Johns Hopkins School of Nursing


Toolkit: Effective Strategies for Affirming and Engaging Transgender Clients

The purpose of this toolkit is to use an approach to health care delivery in which organizations, programs, and providers recognize, validate, and support the identity stated or expressed by the individuals served.


Resources for Native and Indigenous Communities


Community and Conversations

Upcoming Awareness Days

Key upcoming awareness days in March:

  • March 10: National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is a time to promote HIV education, prevention, and treatment among women, especially women in communities that are disproportionately affected by HIV.
  • March 17-21: National LGBTQ Health Awareness Week is an opportunity to engage with organizations conducting crucial health equity work, to inform the public about the importance of LGBTQ health, and to unite providers, LGBTQ communities, and allies for the advancement of real solutions that remove barriers and improve health for us all. 
  • March 20: National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is a day to raise awareness about the impact of HIV/AIDS in American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian communities, promote testing and prevention, and honor those affected by HIV.
  • March 31: International Transgender Day of Visibility is dedicated to celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide, as well as a celebration of their contributions to society.

Women-Led Organization Spotlight


The Women’s Collective (TWC) is a leading community health and human service agency in Washington, DC that provides prevention, care, and support services and advocates for the health and human rights of girls and women.

The Women’s Collective meets the needs of low income women, girls, and families living with or at risk for HIV/AIDS and other STDs by addressing the social determinants of health and health disparities they face, reducing barriers to care and services, and strengthening networks of support in order to improve health outcomes and quality of life over their lifespan.

TWC stands alone in DC and the region as the only agency dedicated to meeting the needs of women and girls in fighting the HIV epidemic and protecting their rights. We provide a range of age, gender, and culturally appropriate services and programs across the prevention to care continuum that rely on a model of engaging women and girls ‘where they are’ in their lives and need.

Patricia Nalls, Founder and Executive Director of The Women’s Collective, was diagnosed with AIDS in 1986, after the death of her husband and three-year-old daughter within six months of each other. Patricia has been recognized for her heroism, strength, and determination. She has been a vocal community activist on local, national, and global levels.


Patricia is the recipient of prestigious awards, such as 2010 Washingtonian of the Year, the NAACP Youth Council Award, the Gloria Steinem Award, the Heroes in the Struggle 2005 Award, the Caribbean People’s International Award, and WJLA Channel 7 Tribute to Working Women, among others. Patricia has been featured in Essence Magazine, People Magazine, Newsweek, The Washington Post, and she has appeared on national and local television. Under her leadership and guidance, her team is working towards a future of no new transmissions and a cure for HIV/AIDS. She is the mother of three children, and she has two grandchildren.


The Institute's Featured Black Faculty,
in Honor of Black History Month

This section shines the spotlight on just a few of EBTI's expert faculty, highlighting their diverse experience, accomplishments, and invaluable contributions to our mission of strengthening Washington, DC's HIV prevention workforce.


Leisha McKinley-Beach, M.S.

Leisha McKinley-Beach is an invaluable contributor to HIV education programming, offering a deep understanding of Black health issues and their intersection with HIV. As the founder and CEO of The Black Public Health Academy, she brings expertise in addressing HIV, medical mistrust, and racism in public health, which are critical factors affecting Black communities. Her work on projects like PrEP in Black America highlights her commitment to improving access to preventive care. Recognized for her contributions, including her induction into the University of Florida College of Health and Human Performance Hall of Fame, her leadership ensures that HIV education is culturally relevant, effective, and inclusive.

Dr. Ashley Elliot, Psy.D.

Ashley Elliott (Dr. Vivid), Psy.D., brings a critical focus on mental health and cultural inclusivity to our HIV education programming. Her expertise in serving Black, Indigenous, People of Color, and LGBTQIA+ communities ensures that our HIV education is not only informative but also sensitive to the unique challenges these groups face. Through her work as a clinician and DEI consultant, she helps create supportive, culturally relevant spaces that improve engagement and outcomes in HIV care and prevention.

Shawntee Spriggs

Shawntee Spriggs is a proud Washington, DC native who is deeply involved in her community, serving in various local and national roles. She brings a unique, personal perspective to our HIV education programming through her lived experience as a woman with HIV. Her book, Undetected: More Than a Status, offers an authentic voice that helps break down stigma and fosters understanding. Through her leadership development work at Impel Coaching & Consulting, she advocates for empowerment and transformational leadership, particularly for women. Shawntee’s work encourages a holistic approach to HIV education that not only addresses medical aspects but also empowers individuals to take control of their health and leadership in their communities.

Kaniya Walker

Kaniya brings a vital perspective to our HIV education programming, with a strong focus on marginalized communities, including the LGBTQIA+ community, people living with HIV, women of color, and people experiencing homelessness. Her advocacy for decriminalizing sex work and her work addressing the struggles of trans women of color make her an important voice in shaping inclusive and effective HIV education. Kaniya’s commitment to these issues ensures our programming addresses the intersectional challenges faced by underserved populations, promoting a more equitable and comprehensive approach to HIV care and prevention.


Capacity Building and Technical Assistance

The Effi Barry Training Institute is dedicated to empowering current and prospective HAHSTA grantees and community-based organizations with the knowledge and tools to thrive. We offer targeted training and technical assistance across a variety of key areas. These include: 

  • Navigating the Fee-for-Service business process
  • Mastering foundational HIV service competencies
  • Advancing expertise in healthcare systems, data, and health informatics
  • Implementing high-impact prevention strategies (including biomedical models)
  • Integrating emerging evidence-based practices 

Our approach blends group-level training, hands-on boot camps, dynamic community forums, and tailored one-on-one consultations.

At HealthHIV, we believe in the power of holistic, patient-centered care. Our capacity-building efforts are designed to help organizations enhance patient outcomes, drive efficiencies, and maintain long-term sustainability. Through our innovative approach, we build robust, sustainable systems and services that address every stage of the HIV care continuum.

To request technical assistance directly from HealthHIV’s EBTI, beyond the capacity building prescribed by your Program Officer, please submit a Technical Assistance Request form.


Questions? Submissions?

Please reach out to Melissa Kelley, Program Director, at Melissa@HealthHIV.org with any questions, feedback, or submissions. For general inquiries, please email info@HealthHIV.org

Visit EffiBarryInstitute.org to learn more about programs and services provided to you. 


The Effi Barry Training Institute, led by HealthHIV, provides training and technical assistance to support current and prospective HAHSTA grantees and community-based organizations in implementing fee-for-service business models; basic HIV service competencies; advanced skills in health care systems; data and health informatics; high-impact prevention programs; and emerging evidence-based or informed approaches through a series of group trainings, boot camps, community forums, and individual consultation.

This project is funded wholly, or in part, by the Government of the District of Columbia, Department of Health, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, STD, and TB Administration (HAHSTA).


1630 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 500 | Washington, DC 20009
info@HealthHIV.org | (+1) 202 232 6749

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